Thursday, June 25, 2009


I'm just ramblin' today. I've started a beaded collar that I just do not know how to describe. It's kind of a Van Dyke in the front, but not exactly and kind of a Victorian lace around the neck, but wider. LOL I'm very good at doodlin' up a new design from old stitches, but not very good at describing them. I'll post a picture when I'm finished, but I've run out of the main color beads. Unfortunately the only local store that carries seed beads is Hobby Lobby, and they don't match what I have, so those must be ordered. GRRRRRRRRRRRRROAN.

I held the center part up to myself when I got it finished and what was staring back at me in the mirror was "Dragon Scales" so that will be the name of the collar. I may never see it quite that way again, but first impressions are good.

Rings&Things is having a Review a Product Contest. Check it out. You could win something fabulous!

I've written tutorials for working Cubic Raw and Waffle Stitch and posted them on eHow. Feel free to take a look. Unfortunately they're aren't quite as easily downloadable as a PDF file, but I hope they will be of some benefit to someone.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention of our contest. We really appreciate it, and hope everyone will enter many, many times. (Every product you review gets you an entry into the drawing!) Cheers,

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