Friday, October 21, 2011

Time for Reflection

Over the past years as a designer, I've explored many stitches and stitch variations, creating my own unique patterns. I find that my "crowning glory", if I may brag a bit, is still my very first pattern.

I was exploring one of the many ways Right Angle Weave could be executed and/or embellished. I finally figured out a thread path that would allow me to make this necklace in one pass with the addition of 3mm crystals around the neck and the clasp added in another pass. After making about three repeats and having to loosen the thread and retrace the thread to see how I'd woven the previous step, I finally sat down to the computer determined to draw it and explain it.

Once I finished the pattern, I returned to making the necklace. When both were finished I was so excited I took it to work to show what I'd done. My boss promptly ordered one in black and white to wear to the next formal event she was attending. She also wanted earrings.

From that moment my beaded jewelry design career was launched. Although I've created patterns in many different stitches, and in varying intricacy, In my opinion, I've never topped the first hurdle I jumped.

The pattern is available at:
The Bead Coop
The Bead Doodler/ Artfire Studio


  1. That is one of my favorite pieces that you have done.

  2. Thanks Wendy. Every time I see that the pattern has sold, I marvel that I actually created it.



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